Chernobyl Shaft
Chernobyl Shaft
Chernobyl Shafts are a special type of shaft that comes from Russia. They are very dense and very heavy. Typically, they weigh between 5 and 6 oz. For this reason, they make an excellent break shaft.
We have had these shafts in our possession for over 25 years and we have a very limited supply.
The wood that the Chernobyl Shafts are made from is said to have come from the nuclear forest around the city of Chernobyl. We have been told the radiation levels are well within the safe range however we are not liable for any extra limbs that grow as a result of regular use. Who knows? An extra arm may step up your pool game!
Available in:
6.2 oz .570"
6.3 oz .570"
6.4 oz .570"