Heavy Curly Kielwood Shaft
In the past, the Achilles' heel of every cue has been the glue seams. Dryness, dampness, shrinking and swelling can cause the shaft to warp. For this reason, we have gone back to the drying of the maple to get the best hit. Kielwood® is the new generation of pool cue wood, specifically created for low deflection. It is a dark, hard rock maple that is harmonically stabilized for straightness. With traditional pie shaped shafts, each slice of the pie is susceptible to having a different reaction.
Kielwood® is the solution to a continually straight and stable shaft.
Kielwood® shafts are a dark colored, hard rock maple. They typically run .5 oz to 1.0 oz lighter than a regular maple shaft. They have become well known for their low deflection properties and for staying continually straight.
Usually .700" to 1.00" rough taper
*picture is only an example to show figure.